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The mere formulation of a problem is often far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science. 

                                                              —Albert Einstein

Journal Articles (Grouped by Areas)       

Edge AI and Communications

  1. J. Huang, K. Yuan, C. Huang, K. Huang, "D^2-JSCC: Digital Deep Joint Source-channel Coding for Semantic Communications," submitted to IEEE for possible publication (Available: ArXiv)

  2. X. Chen, K. B. Letaief, K. Huang, "On the View-and-Channel Aggregation Gain in Integrated Sensing and Edge AI," to appear in IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun. (Available: ArXiv)

  3. H. Wu, X. Chen, K. Huang, "Device-Edge Cooperative Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models as a 6G Service," to appear in IEEE Wireless Commun. (Available: ArXiv)

  4. Y. Cang, M. Chen, K. Huang, "Joint Batching and Scheduling for High-Throughput Multiuser Edge AI with Asynchronous Task Arrivals," submitted to IEEE for possible publication (Available: ArXiv)

  5. H. Wu, Q. Zeng, K. Huang, "Efficient Multiuser AI Downloading via Reusable Knowledge Broadcasting" to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. (Available: ArXiv)

  6. Z. Wang, K. Huang, Y C. Eldar "Spectrum Breathing: Protecting Over-the-Air Federated Learning Against Interference," to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. (Available: ArXiv)

  7. Z. Liu, Q. Lan, A E. Kalør, P. Popovski, K. Huang, "Over-the-Air Multi-View Pooling for Distributed Sensing," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 70-76, December 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  8. K. Huang, Q. Lan, Z. Liu. L. Yang, "Semantic Data Sourcing for 6G Edge Intelligence," IEEE Commun. Mag.  vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 70-76, December 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  9. H. Wu, H. Tan, R. He, X. Qi, K. Huang, "Vertical Layering of Quantized Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Inference," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 15964-15978, Dec. 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  10. K. Huang, H. Wu, Z. Liu, X. Qi, "In-situ Model Downloading to Realize Versatile Edge AI in 6G Mobile Networks," IEEE Wireless Commun. vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 96-102, June 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  11. Z. Liu, Q. Lan, and K. Huang, "Resource Allocation for Multiuser Edge Inference with Batching and Early Exiting," IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun. vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 1186-1200, April 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  12. Z. Lin, Y. Gong, and K. Huang, "Distributed Over-the-air Computing for Fast Distributed Optimization: Beamforming Design and Convergence Analysis," IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun. vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 274-287, Jan. 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  13. X. Li, G. Zhu, K. Han, Y. Gong, K. Huang, "Energy Efficient Wireless Crowd Labelling: Joint Annotator Clustering and Power Control," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 2022-2035, March 2023 (IEEE Explore).

  14. P. Popovski, F. Chiariotti, K. Huang, A. E. Kalør, M. Kountouris, N. Pappas, B. Soret, "A Perspective on Time towards Wireless 6G," in Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 116-1146, Aug. 2022. (Available: ArXiv)

  15. Q. Zeng, Y. Du, K. Huang, "Wirelessly Powered Federated Edge Learning: Optimal Tradeoffs Between Convergence and Power Transfer" IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. . vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 680-695, Jan. 2022. (IEEE Xplore)

  16. S. Huang, Z. Zhang, S. Wang, R. Wang, K. Huang, "Accelerating Federated Edge Learning via Topology Optimization," IEEE Internet Things J. vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 2056-2070, 1 Feb.1, 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  17. X. Chen, E. G. Larsson, K. Huang, "Analog MIMO Communication for One-shot Distributed Principal Component Analysis," IEEE Trans. Signal Process. vol. 70, pp. 3328-3342, 2022 (Available: ArXiv)

  18. Q. Lan, Q. Zeng, P. Popovski, D. Gündüz, and K. Huang, "Progressive Feature Transmission for Split Inference at the Wireless Edge," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 3837-3852, June 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  19. Q. Lan, D. Wen, Z. Zhang, Q. Zeng, X. Chen, P. Popovski, K. Huang "What is Semantic Communication? A View on Conveying Meaning in the Era of Machine Intelligence," invited for J. Commun. Inf. Netw., 2021. (Available: ArXiv)

  20. D. Wen, K. Jeon, K. Huang, "Federated Dropout -- A Simple Approach for Enabling Federated Learning on Resource Constrained Devices," IEEE Wireless Communication Letters.  vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 923-927, May 2022. (Available: ArXiv)

  21. Z. Lin, X. Li, V. Lau, Y. Gong and K. Huang, "Deploying Federated Learning in Large-Scale Cellular Networks: Spatial Convergence Analysis," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm. vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1542-1556, March 2022. (Available: ArXiv)

  22. Q. Zeng, Y. Du and K. Huang, "Wirelessly Powered Federated Edge Learning: Optimal Tradeoffs Between Convergence and Power Transfer," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm. vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 680-695, Jan. 2022. (Available: ArXiv)

  23. Z. Zhang, G. Zhu, R. Wang, V. K. N. Lau, and K. Huang, "Turning Channel Noise into an Accelerator for Over-the-Air Principal Component Analysis", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm.  vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 7926-7941, Oct. 2022. (ArXiv)
  24. M. Chen, D. Gündüz, K. Huang, W. Saad, M. Bennis, A. V. Feljan, and H. V. Poor, "Distributed Learning in Wireless Networks: Recent Progress and Future Challenges", submitted to IEEE J. Sel. Area on Commun. . (ArXiv)
  25. D. Wen, K.-J. Jeon, M. Bennis, K. Huang, "Adaptive Subcarrier, Parameter, and Power Allocation for Partitioned Edge Learning Over Broadband Channels", submitted to IEEE for possible publication. (ArXiv)
  26. G. Zhu, J. Xu and K. Huang, "Over-the-Air Computing for 6G -- Turning Air into a Computer", submitted to IEEE for possible publication. (ArXiv)
  27. Q. Lan, Y. Du, P. Popovski and K. Huang, "Capacity of Remote Classification over Wireless Channels", to appear in IEEE Trans. Commun. . (ArXiv)
  28. J. Wen, M. Sheng, J.g Li, and K. Huang, "Assisting for Intelligent Wireless Networks with Traffic Prediction: Exploring and Exploiting Predictive Causality in Wireless Traffic", to appear in IEEE Commun. Magazine, 2020. (IEEE Xplore)
  29. X. Li, G. Zhu, K. Shen, W. Yu, Y. Gong, and K. Huang, “Joint Annotator-and-Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Networks for Crowd Labelling”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 6116-6129, Sept. 2020. (ArXiv)
  30. Q. Lan, B. Lv, R. Wang, K. Huang and Y. Gong, "Adaptive Video Streaming in Massive MIMO Networks via Approximate MDP and Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 5716-5731, Sept. 2020. (IEEE Xplore)
  31. J. Ren, Y. He, D. Wen, G. Yu, K. Huang, and D. Guo, "Scheduling in Cellular Federated Edge Learning with Importance and Channel Awareness”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 7690-7703, Nov. 2020. (ArXiv)
  32. D. Wen, M. Bennis, K. Huang, “Joint Parameter-and-Bandwidth Allocation for Improving the Efficiency of Partitioned Edge Learning”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 8272-8286, Nov. 2020. (ArXiv)
  33. G. Zhu, Y. Du, D. Gunduz, and K. Huang, “One-Bit Over-the-Air Aggregation for Communication-Efficient Federated Edge Learning: Design and Convergence Analysis”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2020. (ArXiv)
  34. D. Wen, X. Li, Q. Zeng, J. Ren and K. Huang, “An Overview of Data-Importance Aware Radio Resource Management for Edge Machine Learning”, an invited paper in Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2020. (ArXiv)
  35. D. Liu, G. Zhu, J. Zhang, and K. Huang, “Data-Importance Aware User Scheduling for Communication-Efficient Edge Machine Learning”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Cognitive Comm. and Networking, 2020. (ArXiv)
  36. Y. Du, S. Yang, and K. Huang, “High-Dimensional Stochastic Gradient Quantization for Communication-Efficient Edge Learning”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Process. , 2020. (ArXiv)
  37. Q. Zeng, Y. Du, K. Leung and K. Huang, "Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Federated Edge Learning with CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing”, submitted to IEEE for possible publication. (ArXiv)
  38. G. Zhu, Y. Wang, and K. Huang, "Broadband Analog Aggregation for Low-Latency Federated Edge Learning”, accepted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.. (ArXiv)
  39. D. Liu, G. Zhu, Q. Zeng, J. Zhang, and K. Huang, "Wireless Data Acquisition for Edge Learning: Data-Importance Aware Retransmission”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2020. (ArXiv)
  40. G. Zhu, D. Liu, Y, Du, C. You, J. Zhang, and K. Huang, "Towards an Intelligent Edge: Wireless Communication Meets Machine Learning”, to appear in IEEE Commun. Magazine . (ArXiv)
  41. J. Zhang, G. Zhu, R. Heath Jr., and K. Huang, “Grassmannian Learning: Embedding Geometry Awareness in Shallow and Deep Learning”, submitted to IEEE for possible publication. (ArXiv)
  42. Y. Du and K. Huang, "Fast Analog Transmission for High-Mobility Wireless Data Acquisition in Edge Learning", IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 468 - 471, April 2019. (ArXiv)
  43. Y. Du, G. Zhu, J. Zhang, and K. Huang, "Automatic Recognition of Space-Time Constellations by Learning on the Grassmann Manifold", IEEE Trans. on Signal Process. , vol. 66, no. 22, pp. 6031-6046, Nov. 2018. (ArXiv)
  44. G. Zhu, S.-W. Ko and K. Huang, "Inference from Randomized Transmissions by Many Backscatter Sensors", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 5, pp 3111-3127, May 2018. (ArXiv)       

Mobile Computing and Communication

  1. X. Chen, E. G. Larsson, K. Huang, "On-the-Fly Communication-and-Computing for Distributed Tensor Decomposition Over MIMO Channels," IEEE Trans. Signal Process. vol. 71, pp. 4192-4206, 2023 (Available: ArXiv)

  2. Z. Liang, Y. Liu, T. Lok, and K. Huang, “A Two-Timescale Approach to Mobility Management for Multi-Cell Mobile Edge Computing”, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. .

  3. G. Zhu, J. Xu, K. Huang, S. Cui, “Over-the-Air Computing for Wireless Data Aggregation in Massive IoT”, to appear in IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag. (ArXiv)

  4. Z. Liang, Y. Liu, T.-M. Lok, and K. Huang, “Multi-Cell Mobile Edge Computing: Joint Service Migration and Resource Allocation”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 7498-7513, Nov. 2020. (ArXiv)

  5. X. Cao, G. Zhu, J. Xu, and K. Huang, “Optimal Power Control for Over-the-Air Computation in Fading Channels”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 7498-7513, Nov. 2020. (ArXiv)

  6. Q. Lan, H. S. Kang, and K. Huang, “Simultaneous Signal-and-Interference Alignment for Two-Cell Over-the-Air Computation”, accepted to IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., 2020. (ArXiv)

  7. D. Wen, G. Zhu, and K. Huang, "Reduced-Dimension Design of MIMO Over-the-Air Computing for Data Aggregation in Clustered IoT Networks”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 5255-5268, Nov. 2019. (ArXiv)

  8. Z. Liang, Y. Liu, T.-M. Lok, K. Huang, “Multiuser Computation Offloading and Downloading for Edge Computing with Virtualization”, accepted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. . (ArXiv)

  9. S. Andreev, V. Petrov, K. Huang, M. A. Lema, and M. Dohler, “Dense Moving Fog for Intelligent IoT: Key Challenges and Opportunities”, IEEE Commun. Magazine, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 34 - 41. (ArXiv)

  10. X. Li, G. Zhu, Y. Gong, and K. Huang, "Wirelessly Powered Data Aggregation for IoT via Over-the-Air Functional Computation: Beamforming and Power Control", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 3437 - 3452, July 2019. (ArXiv)

  11. G. Zhu and K. Huang, "MIMO Over-the-Air Computation for High-Mobility Multi-Modal Sensing”, IEEE IoT J., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 6089 - 6103, Aug. 2019. (ArXiv)

  12. Y. Tao, C. You, P. Zhang, K. Huang, " Stochastic Control of Computation Offloading to a Helper with a Dynamically Loaded CPU", submitted to IEEE for possible publication. (ArXiv)

  13. C. You, Y. Zeng, R. Zhang, K. Huang, " Asynchronous Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading: Energy-Efficient Resource Management", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 7590-7605, Sep. 2018. (ArXiv)

  14. X. Li, C. You, S. Andreev, Y. Gong, and K. Huang, “Wirelessly Powered Crowd Sensing: Joint Power Transfer, Sensing, Compression, and Transmission”,  accepted to IEEE JSAC. (ArXiv)

  15. S.-W. Ko, K. Han and K. Huang, "Wireless Networks for Mobile Edge Computing: Spatial Modeling and Latency Analysis", accepted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol.17, no. 8, pp. 5225-5240, June 2018. (ArXiv)

  16. C. You and K. Huang, "Exploiting Non-Causal CPU-State Information for Energy-Efficient Mobile Cooperative Computing", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 4104-4117, June 2018. (ArXiv)

  17. Y. Mao, C. You, J. Zhang, K. Huang and K. B. Letaief, "A Survey on Mobile Edge Computing: The Communication Perspective", IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 19, issue. 4, pp. 2322-2358, 2017. (ArXiv, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  18. C. You, K. Huang , H. Chae and B. Kim, “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1397-1411, Mar 2017. (ArXiv, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  19. S.-W. Ko, K. Huang, S.-L. Kim and H. Chae, "Live Prefetching for Mobile Computation Offloading", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 3057-3071, May 2017.   (ArXiv)

  20. C. You, K. Huang and H. Chae, “Energy Efficient Mobile Cloud Computing Powered by Wireless Energy Transfer”, IEEE J. Sel. Area on Commun. , vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1757-1771, May 2016. (ArXiv)

  21. X. Cao, G. Zhu, J. Xu, K. Huang, “Cooperative Interference Management for Over-the-Air Computation Networks”, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.. (ArXiv)  

5G Technology: Vehicular Sensing for Auto-Driving

  1. Z. Zhang, S. -W. Ko, R. Wang and K. Huang, “Cooperative Multi-Point Vehicular Positioning Using Millimeter-Wave Surface Reflection”, to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. (ArXiv)

  2. K. Han, S. Ko, H. Chae, B. Kim, and K. Huang, “Sensing Hidden Vehicles Based on Asynchronous V2V Transmission: A Multi-Path-Geometry Approach”, submitted to IEEE for possible publication. (ArXiv)

  3. S.-W. Ko, H. Chae, K. Han, S. Lee, D.-W., Seo, and K. Huang, “V2X-Based Vehicular Positioning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions”, to appear in IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag.. (ArXiv)

5G Technology: Wireless Caching and Content Delivery

  1. D. Liu and K. Huang, " Mitigating Interference in Content Delivery Networks by Spatial Signal Alignment: The Approach of Shot-Noise Ratio”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 4, pp 2305-2318, 2018. (ArXiv)

  2. M. Chen, Y. Hao, K. Huang, V. K. N. Lau, S. Mao, and J. Song, “Green and Mobility-aware Caching in 5G Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 16, no. 12, pp 8347-8361, 2017. (IEEE Xplore)

  3. C. Yang, B. Xia, W. Xie, K. Huang, Y. Yao, and Y. Zhao, “Interference Cancellation at Receivers in Cache-Enabled Wireless Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech., vol. 67, no. 1, pp 842-846, 2018. (IEEE Xplore)

  4. J. Wen, K. Huang, S. Yang and V. O. K. Li, "Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Optimal Tier-Level Content Placement", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 5939-5952, Sep. 2017. (IEEE Xplore)

5G Technology: Millimeter-Wave Communications

  1. K. Han, K. Huang, and R. W. Heath Jr. “Connectivity and Blockage Effects in Millimeter-Wave Air-To-Everything Networks”, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 388 - 391, April 2019. (IEEE Xplore)

  2. K. Han, K. Huang, Y. Cui, and Y. Wu “The Connectivity of Millimeter-Wave Networks in Urban Environments Modeled Using Random Lattices”, accepted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.. (ArXiv)

  3. G. Zhu, K. Huang, V. Lau, B. Xia, X. Li and S. Zhang, “Hybrid Beamforming via the Kronecker Decomposition for the Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems”, IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 35, no. 9, pp 2097-2114, 2017. (ArXiv)

5G Technology: Wireless Energy Transfer and Harvesting

  1. B. Clerckx, K. Huang, L. R. Varshney, S. Ulukus, and M.-S. Alouini, "Wireless Power Transfer for Future Networks: Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Computing, and Sensing," IEEE J. of Sel. Topics in Signal Processing . vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1060-1094, Aug. 2021. (Available: ArXiv)

  2. S. Wang, M. Xia, K. Huang and Y.-C. Wu, "Wirelessly Powered Two-Way Communication with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Model: Rate Region Under Fixed and Mobile Relay”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 8190-8204, Oct. 2017. (IEEE Xplore)

  3. O. Galinina, K. Mikhaylov, K. Huang, S. Andreev, and Y. Koucheryavy, “Wirelessly Powered Urban Crowd Sensing over Wearables: Trading Energy for Data”, accepted to IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag. . (ArXiv)

  4. B. Clerckx, Z. Zawawi and K. Huang, “Wirelessly Powered Backscatter Communications: Waveform Design and SNR- Energy Tradeoff”, IEEE Comm. Lett., vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 2234-2237, Jun. 2017. (IEEE Xplore)

  5. K. Han and K. Huang , “Wirelessly Powered Backscatter Communication Networks: Modeling, Coverage and Capacity”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 2548-2561, Apr 2017. (ArXivESI Highly Cited Paper)

  6. G. Zhu and  K. Huang , “Analog Spatial Cancellation for Tackling the Near-Far Problem in Wirelessly Powered Communications”, IEEE J. Sel. Area on Commun. , vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3566-3576, Dec. 2016. (ArXiv)      

  7. K. Huang , C. Zhong and G. Zhu, “Some New Trends in Wirelessly Powered Communications”, IEEE Wireless Commmu. Mag. , vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 19-27, April 2016 . (ArXiv)       

  8. K. Huang , M. Kountouris and V. O. K. Li, “Renewable Powered Cellular Networks: Energy Field Modeling  and Network Coverage”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 4234-4247, Aug. 2015. (ArXiv)       

  9. S. Ulukus, A. Yener, E. Erkip, O. Simeone, M. Zorzi, P. Grover and K. Huang , "Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances”, IEEE J. Sel. Area on Commun. , vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 360-381, Mar. 2015. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)      

  10. K. Huang and X. Zhou, “Cutting Last Wires for Mobile Communication by Microwave Power Transfer”, IEEE Commun. Mag. , vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 86-93, June 2015. (ArXivESI Highly Cited Paper)         

  11. K. Huang and E. G. Larsson, “Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer for Broadband Wireless Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Process. , vol. 61, no. 23, pp. 5972-5986, 2013.  (ArXiv, ESI Highly Cited Paper)          

  12. K. Huang , “Spatial Throughput of Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Energy Harvesting”, IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory , vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 7597-7612, Nov. 2013. (ArXiv)  

  13. K. Huang and V. K. N. Lau, “Enabling Wireless  Power Transfer in Cellular Networks: Architecture, Modeling  and Deployment”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 6499-6514, Feb. 2014. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)         

  14. S. Lee, R. Zhang and K. Huang , “Opportunistic Wireless Energy Harvesting in Cognitive Radio Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun. , vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 4788-4799, Sep. 2013. (ArXiv, ESI Highly Cited Paper

Stochastic Geometry for Analysis and Design of Wireless Networks

  1. J. Wen, M. Sheng, K. Huang, J. Li, “Effects of Base-Station Spatial Interdependence on Interference Correlation and Network Performance”, accepted to IEEE Trans. on Commun. .

  2. K. Huang and Jeffrey G. Andrews, “An Analytical Framework for Multi-Cell Cooperation via Stochastic Geometry and Large Deviations”, IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 2501-2516, Apr. 2013.

  3. S. Lee and K. Huang , “Coverage and Economy of Cellular Networks with Many Base Stations”, IEEE Commun, Lett. , vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 1038-1040, Jul. 2012.

  4. K. Huang , J. G. Andrews, R. W. Heath, Jr., D. Guo, and R. Berry, “Spatial Interference Cancelation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1660-1676, Mar. 2012.

  5. K. Huang , V. K. N. Lau, Y. Chen, “Spectrum Sharing Between Cellular and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Transmission-Capacity Trade-Off", IEEE J. Sel. Area on Commun. (Issue: Stochastic Geometry and Random Graphs for Wireless Networks), vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1256-1267, July 2009.

Multi-Antenna Communications and Limited Feedback

  1. K. Huang , J. Chen and V. K. N. Lau, “Communication Using a Large-Scale Array of Ubiquitous Antennas: A Geometry Approach”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., vol. 64, no. 14, pp. 3635-3650, Mar. 2016. (ArXiv)

  2. S. Cho, H. Chae, K. Huang , D. Kim, V. K. N. Lau, H. Seo and B. Kim , “Feedback-Topology Designs for Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channels”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 6561-6575, Dec. 2012.

  3. S. Cho, K. Huang , D. Kim, and H. Seo, “Interference Alignment for Uplink Cellular Systems with Limited Feedback”, IEEE Comm. Lett., vol. 16, no. 7,  pp. 960-963, Jul.  2012.

  4. K. Huang and R. Zhang, “Cooperative Precoding with Limited Feedback for MIMO Interference  Channels”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1012-2021, Mar. 2012.

  5. K. Huang , V. K. N. Lau, and D. Kim, “Stochastic Control of Event-Driven Feedback in Multi-Antenna Interference Channels”, IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 6112 - 6126, Dec. 2011.

  6. K. Huang and R. Zhang, ``Cooperative feedback for multi-antenna cognitive radio networks", IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 747-758, Feb. 2011.

  7. K. Huang and V. K. N. Lau, “Stability and Delay of Zero-Forcing SDMA with Limited Feedback", IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 6499-6514, Oct. 2012.

  8. K. Huang , J. G. Andrews, R. W. Heath, Jr., “Performance of Orthogonal Beamforming for SDMA with Limited Feedback", IEEE Trans. on Veh. Techn., Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 152-164, Jan. 2009.

  9. K. Huang , R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, “Space Division Multiple Access with a Sum Feedback Rate Constraint", IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., pp 3879-3891, Jul. 2007.

  10. K. Huang , R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, “Uplink SDMA with Limited Feedback: Throughput Scaling”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Process., (Special Issue: MIMO Transmission with Limited Feedback), vol. 2008 (2008), Article ID 479357, 17 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/479357.

  11. K. Huang , V. K. N. Lau, and D. Kim, ``Event-Driven Optimal Feedback Control for Multi-Antenna Beamforming", IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., vol. 58, no. 6,  pp. 3298-3312, Jun. 2010.

  12. K. Huang , R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, “Limited feedback beamforming over temporally correlated channels", IEEE Trans. on Signal Process., vol. 57, no. 5,  pp. 1959-1975, May 2009.

Other Areas

  1. Q. Zeng, J. Liu, M. Jiang, J. Lan, Y. Gong, Z. Wang, Y. Li, C. Li, J. Ignowski, K. Huang, "Realizing In-Memory Baseband Processing for Ultra-Fast and Energy-Efficient 6G," IEEE Internet Things J. vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 5169-5183, 1 Feb.1, 2024 (Available: IEEE Xplore)

  2. An Energy-efficient Aerial Backhaul System with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communs, . vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 6478-6494, Aug. 2022.

  3. H. Jeon, S. Park, J. Park, K. Huang, C. Chae, "An Energy-efficient Aerial Backhaul System with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface," to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. (Available: ArXiv)

  4. Z. Zhang, Y. Li, R. Wang, and K. Huang, “Rate Adaption for Downlink Massive MIMO Networks and Underlaid D2D Links: A Reinforcement Learning Approach”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1819 - 1833, Mar. 2019.

  5. W. Liu, K. Huang, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, “Backscatter Communications for Internet-of-Things: Theory and Applications”, submitted to IEEE Commun. Mag.

  6. L. Mucchi, L. Ronga, X. Zhou, K. Huang, Y. Chen, and R. Wang, ”A New Metric for Measuring the Security of an Environment: The Secrecy Pressure”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 3416-3430, 2017.

  7. W. Liu, K. Huang, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani “Full-Duplex Backscatter Interference Networks Based on Time-Hopping Spreading Spectrum”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 16, no. 7, 2017

  8. Y. Chen, R. Wang, L. Mucchi and K. Huang, “Modeling Network Interference in the Angular Domain: Interference Azimuth Spectrum”, IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 2107-2120, Jun. 2015.

  9. S. Cho, W. Choi, and K. Huang, “QoS Provisioning Relay Selection in Random Relay Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Techn. , vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 2680-2689, Jul. 2011.

  10. K. Huang, “ Supplementary Proof for 'Exact and Approximate Construction of Digital Phase Modulations by Superposition of AMP' by P. A. Laurent", IEEE Trans. on Commun. , vol 53, pp234-237, Feb 2005.

  11. K. Huang, F. Adachi, Y.-H. Chew, “ A more Accurate Analysis of Interference for Rake Combining on DS-CDMA Forward Link in Mobile Radio", IEICE Trans. on Commun., vol E88-B, pp. 654-663, Feb 2005.

Book Chapters

  1. K. Huang and T. Inouve, "Single User Limited Feedback" and "Multi-User Limited Feedback", Advanced MIMO Communications, Cambridge University Press.

  2. C.-B. Chae, K. Huang , T. Inoue, "MIMO Technologies for WiMAX Systems: Present and Future," WiMAX Evolution: Emerging Technologies and Applications, to be published by Wiley.

Conference Papers

  1. J. Wen, K. Huang, S. Yang, and V. O. K. Li, “Optimizing Tier-Level Content Placement in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore.

  2. D. Liu and K. Huang, “Harnessing Interference in Content Delivery by Spatial Signal Alignment”, IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore.

  3. K. Han, K. Huang, Y. Cui, and Y. Wu, “The Connectivity of Millimeter-Wave Networks in Manhattan-Type Regions”, IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore.

  4. L. Mucchi, L. S. Ronga, K. Huang, Y. Chen, and R. Wang, “A New Physical-layer Security Measure - Secrecy Pressure”, IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore.

  5. W. Liu, K. Huang, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Time-Hopping Multiple-Access for Backscatter Interference Networks”, IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore.

  6. G. Zhu, K. Huang, V. Lau, B. Xia, X. Li and S. Zhang, “Analog Beamforming via Kronecker Decomposition for mmWave Massive MIMO Systems”, IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore.

  7. S.-W. Ko, K. Huang, S.-L. Kim and H. Chae, “Energy Efficient Mobile Computation Offloading via Online Prefetching”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC), Paris.

  8. J. Wen and K. Huang, “Analysis of Interference Correlation in Non-Poisson Networks”, Proc of IEEE Globecom, Washington, USA, Nov. 2016.

  9. C.-S. You and K. Huang, “Multiuser Resource Allocation for Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom, Washington, USA, Nov. 2016.

  10. K. Han and K. Huang, “Wirelessly Powered Backscatter Communication Networks: Modeling, Coverage and Capacity”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom, Washington, USA, Nov. 2016.

  11. G. Zhu and K. Huang, “Analog Spatial Cancellation for Tackling the Near-Far Problem in Wirelessly Powered Communications”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, May 2016.

  12. C.-S. You and K. Huang, “Wirelessly Powered Mobile Computation Offloading: Energy Savings Maximization”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom, San Diego, Nov. 2015.

  13. K. Huang, “A Tradeoff Between Information and Power Transfers Using a Large-Scale Array of Dense Distributed Antennas”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom, San Diego, Nov. 2015.

  14. K. Huang, J. Chen and V. K. N. Lau, “Communications Using Ubiquitous Antennas: Free-Space Propagation”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC), London, Jun. 2015.

  15. K. Huang, M. Kountouris and V. O. K. Li, “Renewables Powered Cellular Networks: Energy Field and Network Coverage”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Comm. Sys. (ICCS), Macau, Nov. 2014. ( Invited paper )

  16. B. Min, D. Kim, K. Huang, M. Kountouris, “Progressive Optimization for Time-Varying Channel with One-Way Multiple Mechanical Relays”, Proc. of IEEE ChinaSIP 2013 , 6-10 July, 2013. ( Invited paper )

  17. K. Huang and E. G. Larsson, “Simultaneous Information-and-Power Transfer Over a Broadband Channel”, Proc. of Asilomar 2013 , November 3-6th, 2013. ( Invited paper )

  18. K. Huang and E. G. Larsson, “Simultaneous Information-and-Power Transfer for Broadband Downlink Systems”, Proc. of IEEE ICASSP 2013 , Vancouver, May 26-31, 2013.

  19. K. Huang, “Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Powered by Energy Harvesting: Battery-Level Dynamics and Spatial Throughput”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.

  20. S. Lee, K. Huang, R. Zhang, “Cognitive Energy Harvesting and Transmission from a Network Perspective”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Comm. Sys. (ICCS), Singapore, Nov. 2012. ( Invited paper )

  21. S. Cho, K. Huang, D. Kim and H. Seo, “Efficient Feedback Design for Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channel”, Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf. (VTC) Spring, VTC2012-Spring , Yokohama, Japan, 6-9 May 2012.

  22. K. Huang and J. G. Andrews, “Charactering Multi-Cell Cooperation via the Outage-Probability Exponent”, IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 10-15, 2012.

  23. K. Huang and J. G. Andrews, “A Stochastic-Geometry Approach to Coverage in Cellular Networks with Multi-Cell Cooperation”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2011 , Huston, TX, Dec. 5-9, 2011.

  24. K. Huang and R. Zhang, "Cooperative feedback for MIMO interference channels", Proc. of Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Sys. and Comp. , Nov. 6-9, 2011. ( Invited paper )

  25. K. Huang, ``Throughput and Energy Consumption of a Random Network with Energy Harvesters", Proc. of Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Sys. and Comp., Nov. 6-9, 2011. ( Invited paper )

  26. Hyukjin Chae, Sungyoon Cho, Kaibin Huang, and DongKu Kim, "How Many Degrees of Freedom Can be Achieved for Mutually Interfering MIMO Broadcast Channels?", Proc. of Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Sys. and Comp. , Nov. 6-9, 2011. ( Invited paper )

  27. S. Cho, W. Choi, and Kaibin Huang, "Spatially Efficient Distributed Relay Selection for Random Relay Networks", Proc. of Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Sys. and Comp. , Nov. 6-9, 2011. ( Invited paper )

  28. K. Huang, V. K. N. Lau, and D. Kim, “Stochastic Feedback Control for Multi-Antenna Interference Channels”, Proc. of Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Sys. and Comp., Nov. 8-10, 2010. ( Invited paper )

  29. J. Park, K. Huang, S. Cho, and D. Kim, “Mobility-aware spatial interference cancelation for mobile ad hoc networks”, Intl. Conf. on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) , Nov. 17-19, 2010. ( Invited paper )

  30. K. Huang and R. Zhang, “Cognitive Beamforming with Cooperative Feedback”, Proc. of IEEE Wireless Comm. and Sig. Proc. (WCSP), Suzhou, China, 21-23 Oct. 2010. ( Invited paper )

  31. K. Huang and R. Zhang, “Cognitive feedback in multi-antenna cognitive radio networks”, Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf. (VTC) Spring , Taipei, Taiwan, 16-19 May 2010.

  32. K. Huang, V. K. N. Lau, and D. Kim, “Multi-Antenna Transmit Beamforming: Feedback or No Feedback?”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC) , Cape Town, 23-27 May 2010.

  33. K. Huang and V. K. N. Lau, “Stability of Zero-Forcing SDMA with Limited Feedback”, Proc. of IEEE TENCON , Singapore, Nov. 2009. ( Invited paper )

  34. K. Huang, V. K. N. Lau, and Y. Chen, “Transmission-Capacity Trade-Off for Coexisting Cellular and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ”, Proc. of IEEE WiOpt , Seoul, Korea, June 2009.

  35. Rui Wang, Vincent K. N. Lau, Ying Cui, and K. Huang, “Decentralized Fair Resource Allocation for Relay-Assisted Cognitive Cellular Downlink Systems”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. Comm. (ICC) , Dresden, Germany, June 2009.

  36. B. Chen, X. Yang, Vincent K. N. Lau, and K. Huang, “Dynamic Spectrum Sharing between Uplink and Relay-Assisted Downlink”, Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf. (VTC) Spring , Apr. 2009.

  37. K. Huang, Y. Chen, B. Chen, X. Yang, V. K. N. Lau, “Overlaid Cellular and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Comm. Systems , Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2008.

  38. K. Huang , J. G. Andrews, R. W. Heath, Jr., D. Guo, and R. Berry, "Spatial Interference Cancelation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Perfect CSI", Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2008, Nov. 2008.

  39. K. Huang , R. W. Heath, Jr., J. G. Andrews, D. Guo, and R. Berry, "Spatial Interference Cancelation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Imperfect CSI", Proc. IEEE Asilomar 2008, Nov., 2008. (Invited paper)

  40. K. Huang , J. G. Andrews, and R. W. Heath, Jr. "Performance of Uplink SDMA with Limited Feedback", IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Sys., and Computers , Nov. 2007. (Invited paper)

  41. K. Huang , R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, "Multiuser Limited Feedback for Wireless Multi-Antenna Communication ", IEEE Interl. Symp. on Info. Theory, Jun., 2007

  42. K. Huang , R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, "Space Division Multiple Access with a Sum Feedback Rate Constraint", IEEE ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, HI, Apr. 16-20, 2007.

  43. K. Huang , J. G. Andrews, and R. W. Heath, Jr., "Orthogonal Beamforming for SDMA Downlink with Limited Feedback", IEEE ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, HI, pp III-97-100, Apr. 16-20, 2007.

  44. K. Huang , B. Mondal, R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, "Effect of Feedback Delay on Limited Feedback for Temporally Correlated Channels", Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2006, Nov. 27- Dec.1, 2006.

  45. K. Huang , B. Mondal, R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, "Multi-Antenna Limited Feedback for Temporally Correlated Channels: Feedback Compression", Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2006, Nov. 27- Dec.1 2006. (IEEE Globecom 2006 Best Student Paper Award in Communication Systems)

  46. K. Huang , B. Mondal, R. W. Heath, Jr., and J. G. Andrews, "Markov Models for MIMO Limited Feedback Channels", Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, May 2006.

  47. K. Huang , and J. G. Andrews, "Unified Linear Precoding for Minimum BER", Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2005, Nov. 2005.

  48. K. Huang , Y.-H. Chew, P.-S. Chin, and K.-T. Heng, "A Novel DS-CDMA Rake Receiver: Architecture and Performance", Proc. of IEEE ICC 2004, July 2004.

  49. K. Huang , P.-S. Chin, and K.-T. Heng, "DS-CDMA Receiver with Sigma-Delta Modulation Encoding", Proc. of IEEE VTC 2003 Spring, April 2003.

  50. K. Huang , Q.-S. Quek, S. N. A. Ahmed, B. Jin, M. A. Kumar, "Techniques for reducing dynamic-range requirements for a software radio receiver", Proc. of Software Defined Radio Technical Conference 2002, Nov. 2002.


  1. H. Chae, K. Huang and C. You, “Method and apparatus for an input data processing via a local computing or offloading based on power harvesting in a wireless communication system,“ Granted US (No.: US 20170013495 A1), assignee: Lg Electronics Inc., filed on Jul. 11, 2016.

  2. J. Kotecha and K. Huang, “MIMO precoding enabling spatial multiplexing, power allocation and adaptive modulation and coding,“ Granted US (No.: US 9608704 B2), assignee: Apple Inc., filed on Sep. 29, 2014.

  3. J. Kotecha and K. Huang, “Feedback scheduling to reduce feedback rates in MIMO systems,“ Granted US (No.: US 9077411 B2), assignee: Apple Inc., filed on Mar. 17, 2014.

  4. H. Seo, D. Kim, P. Jihong, B. Kim and K. Huang, “Method for uploading data by station, method for downloading data by station and method for downloading by transporter. Granted US (No.: US 9603046 B2), assignee: Lg Electronics Inc., filed on Mar. 15, 2013.

  5. H. Seo, D. Kim. CHO. Sungyoon, B. Kim and K. Huang, “Method for coordinating interference in an uplink interference channel for a terminal in a wireless communication system. Granted US (No.: US 9635572 B2), assignee: Lg Electronics Inc., filed on Sep. 26, 2012.

  6. G. Zhang, Y. Long, K. Huang, Y. Cheng, V. K. N. Lau, “Method and apparatus for multi-input multi-output downlink transmission control,“ Granted US and European Patents (No.: US 8611244 B2, EP2416502 B1), assignee: Huawei Tech., filed on Oct. 21, 2011.

  7. G. Zhang, Y. Long, C. He, Y. Cheng, K. Huang, V. K. N. Lau, “Channel information feedback method, mobile station, base station, MIMO system,“ Granted US Patent (No.: US8320275 B2), assignee: Huawei Tech., filed on Oct. 14, 2011.

  8. J. Kotecha and K. Huang, “Feedback Reduction for MIMO Precoded System by Exploiting Channel Correlation”, Granted US Patent (No.: US8675743 B2), assignee: Apple Inc., filled on Aug. 2007.

  9. J. Kotecha and K. Huang, “MIMO precoding enabling spatial multiplexing, power allocation and adaptive modulation and coding”, Granted US Patent (No.: US 8229019 B2), assignee: Apple Inc., filled on Apr. 2010.

  10. J. Kotecha and K. Huang, “Generalized codebook design method for limited feedback systems”, Granted US Patent (No.: US8626104 B2), assignee: Apple Inc., filled on Sep. 2006.

  11. H. Seo, K. Huang, S. Roh, S. Cho, H. Chae, B. Kim and D. Kim, “Feedback method for virtual MIMO transmission in wireless ad-hoc communication system”, Granted US Patent (No.: US8867639 B2), assignee: LG Electronics, filed on April 2013.

  12. H. Seo, K. Huang, S. Roh, S. Cho, H. Chae, B. Kim and D. Kim, “Feedback method for Interference alignment for in wireless networks”, Granted US Patent (No.: US8848822 B2), assignee: LG Electronics, filing date: Feb. 2011.

  13. H. Seo, K. Huang, S. Roh, S. Cho, H. Chae, B. Kim and D. Kim, “Power control method for interference alignment in wireless networks”, Patent App. No.: PCT/KR2011/000752, LG Electronics, filing date: Feb. 2011.

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